
Subject: How can I be sure that Kazoo is not stressed?
Posted by TaraRae on January 17, 19100 at 17:00:59 from

I have read horrible stories of stressed out gliders engaging in self mutilation, and dying. How do i know he is not stressed? I carry him in his pouch almost all of he time, and pet him and let him lay on my hand. Whenever he wakes up if it is an opurtune time i let him out to play sometimes it is not (like in the movies..that was interesting teehee) and he gets mad....could this be stressfull? He usually is out for about an hour a night, and then before i go to bed i put him in his cage. Also if i a at a friends house and he wakes up i let him out (but he has to stay primarily on me) would the different surroundings be sressfull? He still shivers when i hold him sometimes...i know he is nervous, so should i put him back in his pouch when he does this or just let him get used to everything? thanks again so much! am i doing everything ok as far as bonding? i hand feed him a lot too!

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