
Subject: Re: A note on the number of messages still around...
Posted by Bourbon on January 18, 19100 at 14:37:17 from

In Reply to: Re: A note on the number of messages still around... posted by Ms. Shell on January 18, 19100 at 13:40:19:

okay, we still have all of the archives, it is the problem of breaking them down so that each and every post gets put with the right segments, we have been working on something thoiugh as far as when you press the archive button, that it gives you a choice as to the time areas of the posts. At this time each post goes into one dircetory and when the index page looks for the post, it looks for it in the one diectory. Short of going in and changeing where it looks for each individual file.. well I think you understand the delima, the problems start when that directory starts to get so big, that it needs to be broken down ito smaller directories..I will see about maybe getting something together that makes it so we have "pages" that may be easier..the way that works, is that after so many posts lets say 300, that it will start a new page for us. now 300 may sound like a lot, but at this time, we have 23,000 messages since the start of Glider Gossip. Okay, then I will look for a way to keep the pages in order, and put the older files in to the archive..

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