
Subject: Re: legality in TX
Posted by collette on January 21, 19100 at 04:41:07 from

In Reply to: legality in TX posted by laura on January 19, 19100 at 20:48:18:

: I have surfed the web for information on the legal issues concerning the transfer of ownership of sugar gliders. I read that I must have some type of USDA registration to even give one away to a friend I have searched for information through the USDA, Texas Parks and Wildlife, international sugar glider organization sites to no avail. I would appreciate any help on this matter or where to try loooking next.

I called the usda office here in fort worth and asked about what to do if i got joeys before i got my little guy neutered and he said if i gave them away and didn't do it too often they don't mess with people, they don't have the time. if you're into big time breeding you need a license. I also e-mailed them and got the same response ( I kept the letter for reference!!!!) plus i got my little girl from an ad in the paper, someone bought her and couldn't keep her, surely he didn't have a license to sell one "used" glider.

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