Subject: Re: Bonding probs..
Posted by collette on January 23, 19100 at 05:32:59 from
In Reply to: Bonding probs.. posted by Bourbon on January 22, 19100 at 16:50:53:
: okay just some things to think about.. possible causes for bonding probs.. : 1. they have very sensitive noses, there are some smells they really don't like. with mine it is perfumes, hairsprays, some anti-perspants, Tide, Gain, Era, Irish Spring, Dial, Shield, Caress, any soap that has a strong smell, even the flowery ones, we tried Bouquet, since it had the flower smell, thought they would love it, they hated it..The soap my hubby uses at work?? the smells of other pets, some don't like the smell of nicotine on peoples hands. : 2. If you are nervous, scared, worried, overanxious, then they will feel that. : 3. Being in a hurry to "BOND", relax take your time, you will have them a long time, spend your time trying to teach them to trust you.. : 4. Chasing them, when it is time to get them back into the cage or trying to get them out. : 5. trying to HOLD them, allow them to feel they have control, whether or not they want to leave you. : just a few from the top of my head, these by far are the most common.. one of the few times alex bites me now is when i try to get him to put him up after playtime, but how in the world will i be able to get ready for work if i wait for "him" to be ready to be put up?
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