Subject: Re: my two problems Posted by Bourbon on January 23, 19100 at 11:44:14 from In Reply to: Re: my two problems posted by collette on January 23, 19100 at 05:39:52:
: well, they ate everyting last night , except the mazuri. I gave them tunafish, yellow and green mellon and red grapes, no juices or glideraide. I got up at 11;30 and saw the plate was empty!! (too tired to refill it) Now i thought the glideraide was good for them, so how often should i give it. another thing i noticed is my quantities, i know i gave more than a teaspoon or tablespoon of stuff so i was probably giving to much. and one of the girls on the bullitin board mentioned the briskies in her leadbeaters, she subtracked things though, i can't remember what, that might have made it more balanced? thanks loads for your help!!!!!!
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