
Subject: Re: Glider calling??
Posted by steve on January 24, 19100 at 16:17:04 from

In Reply to: Re: Glider calling?? posted by Amy on January 24, 19100 at 14:51:11:

: Here's something not to do--
: When I first my glider and he went somewhere I didn't want him to, I softly said "No no no Jonesy". Then I held up my hand so he could glide to me. Now he thinks that No no no Jonesy means "Come 'ere you!" and comes running. :) Just a strange little experience we had. Amy and Jonesy
thanks for posting this richard i will have to try some
of these techniques myself.
you might want to try something like learning there barking sound
or there call and try to imitate that or try the treat thing
call his name then pick him up or let him jump and you and give
him the treat and when u call his name give him just a little
bit of a treat and see if that works. that way when he hears the name
he things treat too.

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