Subject: Cutest things that remind me of gliders
Posted by TammyH on January 27, 19100 at 17:57:19 from
During one of my many shopping sprees, I ran across some figurines that put me so much in mind of my babies I couldnt believe it. When I got home I looked them up on the internet under Check out some of the figurines like "big splinter, little foot" Look at those eyes, those ears, those expressions, and poses. If gliders were reptiles, they'd be pocket dragons. Wish we could get the sculptor to do our animals too. They (the creators) said the pocket dragons were modeled after their dog, well the evidently have never seen an SG. cordially TammyH and the "B"brigade (busy, belle, beau, brie, brooke, bonnie, barron and bliss)
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