Subject: Is A Unique Glider Okay?
Posted by AmyMichelle on February 10, 19100 at 14:53:51 from
Hi, I was just curious about my Aspen's unusual (to other gliders) behavior. Most like to climb, and high. Right? Aspen doesn't. She'd rather play on anything waist high. Desks, bed, me. Most gliders like running off to explore wide open spaces right? Aspen doesn't. She'd rather sit in my lap and play with a ribbon for hours. Or let me pet her to sleep when I'm doing my college homework or something. Is it okay for her to be differet than most gliders and stay close to mom (me) or should I be worried about her? She seems happy enough, and she's healthy, but I've so many stories about gliders loving independancy, and Aspen's a mommies girl. What does everybody think? And please don't yell at me. (o= --AmyMichelle, and Aspen!
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