
Subject: Re: our joeys are here!!! Virginia boy & girl
Posted by Blake on July 24, 1998 at 17:48:13:

In Reply to: Re: our joeys are here!!! Virginia boy & girl posted by Bourbon on July 23, 1998 at 17:27:43:

: If you are referring to the post on breeding related gliders.. If asked again, We would still reply the same. I can't believe, you care more about money than putting defective gliders in the marketplace..I took that post personally, only because I have been fighting hard to see the people that get gliders are responsible enough to know the facts behind taking care of then and doing what is in the best interest of the gliders. If all you are thinking about is the money and selling a pair of related gliders to someone so they are able to breed together, then you don't need to sell them at all. I don't think that you were responsible enough to get a usda license, if so, will you be so bold as to let us know what the number is? It is very easy to come on here and blast us, because someone was responsible enough to find out answers to their concerns, but it is much harder here for those that care about the futures of gliders to try to get people to act responsibly. If asked again next time, I will be sure to post what I really think about people who breed the gliders and try to sell related breeding pairs.....Maybe you need to research gliders a bit more..

We asked a simple question. An answer of no, that it is not a good idea to sell related pairs together would suffice. I assure you we do not have sugar gliders for money. You read a heck of a lot into our message. We had multiple people ask to buy both gliders. We said no, but thought we would check on the internet with those who know much more than we do. (Their parents are not siblings.) The internet was intended for educational purposes. Next time please do not jump to conclusions.

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