
Subject: Help me please! My glider is extremely sick!
Posted by Michelle on February 17, 19100 at 23:45:06 from

About an hour ago, I found my female glider on the bottom
of the cage. She was shaking quite violently and arching
her back, trying to look up. She was kind of dragging her
feet along the bottom of the cage, but her back legs are
still working. She seems really disoriented... kind of
dizzy. Her nose is also dark purple in colour, and her
pouch is kinda distended. (Although this may be because
she just had 2 babies in November.) I am fully aware of
the hind leg paralysis, but it doesn't seem like that's the
case. What could this be? She keeps arching her back constantly...
It's almost as though she can't see what's above her. She isn't crying or anything... Very quiet. But she's still trying to move around quite a bit... just not hardly as much as usual. Any and all help I could get would be so great... and sorry if this post is a little screwed, using a text based browser...

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