Subject: Re: Bonding Problem, plz help Posted by Bourbon on February 21, 2000 at 14:28:31 from In Reply to: Bonding Problem, plz help posted by jessica on February 19, 19100 at 21:01:50:
Jessica, time honey and patience.. also try not to do everything you read, stay with a plan, take each plan step by are doing the right things but you are doing them all at the same time.. Also , during the out of cage time, make that HER time, not yours, she is crabbing because your hands, are still scaring may be that you are reaching for her while you are out, or trying to catch her to put her back in. make notes of what exactly you are doing that is causeing the reactions.. then play it from there, if she is crabbing as you are reaching for her, learn to place your hand palm down, and keep it below her body, when she does get on it, move your hand to allow her to leave your hand to go to another place, she will learn that you don't want to HOLD her, that she is free to come and go as she pleases..all you want to do while in the small room, is to be there as a transporter from one place to another. that teaches her to trust you, as you also are learning to trust her. for example of you are in the bedroom (you didn't mention where), lets say she is on the dresser, go over and offer her your hand palm down for her to walk on, when she gets on it, hold your hand in the air by lets say the curtain, allow her to jump off and climb it. again offer a palm down, allow her to climb on it, then allow her to go the dresser. etc.. you are showing her trust, it may take some time, especially if you have already tried the hamster hold with her. but it will be okay.. Also while in the pouch as you are carrying it, pet it, just lay your hand in side of it, don't try to hold her.. just let her get used to your hand as a good thing.. make NO assertive moves towards her. let her always think she is in control, of coming and going.. Good luck..
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