
Subject: Re: Gliders in California
Posted by vangie on February 27, 2000 at 14:07:46 from

In Reply to: Gliders in California posted by vangie on February 27, 2000 at 03:50:48:

: some people seem to think I am a bad person for haveing my gliders in C.A. that I am going to get them killed that is not true my vet see them and others mine are listed as rats in there file and I do have a rat and I am very careful of who there babies go to and I am fighting to make them legal there are thousands in this state I know many breeders I sell to them if we hide and go with the flow nothing will happen they are safe and very good pets some times the laws are made by ignorent people cats are more of a danger to the invirment and the wild life then gliders but do you even think for a moment that they will become ilegal i dont want cats to become ilegal but maybe you just got my point people need to fight for the things they love and I keep them as safe as I can better then some people keep there dogs nobody knows I have them or in this case who I am I wont give up and I know there are others out there that feel the same way I do and I hope some day we win people are fighting for ferets and starting to win maybe if we try just as hard we can to (sorry about the spelling I just dont want to go back and corect it)
:I am sorry you think like that and that you treat people like this I am not selfish nor do believe that we in C.A. are a bunch of stupid mean dumb people I thought this would be a nice web site to get people to help make them legeal BY WRITING CONGRES and exchange info but I am sorry to say I was wrong the only responce I have gotten is from mean nasty selfish people that think if you want a glider you should pick up and move away from your family WRONG there are more gliders in this state then you seem to bielve where do you think I got mine and my vet list them in there files as RATs so she does not risk loosing her lic.
and I am not stupid enough to tell anyone what vet I go to or that I even have them I am very picky about who I talk to and it sure isnt going to be you people anymore your to mean or at least the two woman that have responded befor this was writen

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