
Subject: Are you starting this here too? ok..
Posted by Kim on February 28, 2000 at 22:18:34 from

In Reply to: There should not be an age on getting a Glider. posted by Baby 13 on February 28, 2000 at 21:01:01:

This is a copy and paste of what I posted on the other board.

The main issue on gliders at a young age is parents.
Parents are the biggest problem besides being responsible
and mature. Lets take a real life example here, this happend
to me and Im 17(now, not then), not 13. My glider had an
accident and burned his feet, he NEEDED a vet BUT my
parents(mainly one of them) said no, we're not taking that
thing to a vet(even if I could've gone myself without him) he
will be fine. See, at a young age you have people running
your life, you CAN NOT be free to do what you want to do.
Parents dont understand a lot of the time. Burned feet is
very serious because of the blistering/mutilation/infection. I
tried to tell my stepdad this but he didnt listen and didnt
wanna be bothered. I had to try and take away my gliders
pain and suffering as best I could with no vet- no antibiotics
which he needed and no topical cream to soothe the burn
and help heal. Thank god I finally got him to the vet and
taken care of! Do you know how hard it is to go through
the parent issues? I have been there buddy, this is the
reason I would never say a glider is a good pet for a young
person- because they have parents running their life. Can
13 year olds drive? I dont think so, how can they rush a
glider to the vet if the parents cant/wont/dont wanna be
bothered? These are some of my points. How quick can a
young kid respond to an emergency, that a glider might
need a vet trip? There are also other reasons about teens
and life changes but I know everybody else covered that-
and its true. You'll start dating and all that good stuff that
comes with growing up. You'll become busier with friends, it
happend to me at 13/14 and once I became homeschooled I
got my gliders(not by my choice) and had all the time in the
world for them because they were more important to me
than friends who were just "aquantainces". Im a backwards
teen if ever you knew one. Just keep the parent issues in

Here is a link to the other board on the same topic.
Age shouldnt matter

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