
Subject: Re: Noises
Posted by vangie on February 29, 2000 at 21:05:15 from

In Reply to: Re: Noises posted by Tanya Tillie on February 29, 2000 at 20:17:08:

: : : I have a glider, and he has been making a really strange moise, and I don't know if it is a normal one. It sounds similar to the crying, but I thought that gliders only made that noise when they are with their mothers. It sounds like he is tryimg to get something out of his throat or something, kind of like harking. Can anyone tell me if this is O.K. I don't want to be worrying for nothing.
: : they make such a wide rang of noises dapending on there mood and what they are doing at the time. It does sound like a nois mine made when I think it was lonely. what is it doing when it makes this noise

: He is usually eating or climbing around in his cage. I am thinking about getting another SG, maybe that would help.
:I dont think another glider is the problem scratch that I dont think it is a problem there are alot of people that know all the noises they make they will respond it may just take a little .I realy would not worry unless he is having problems breathing or eating it is probably just one of there noises.Maybe he is voiceing his appinion

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