
Subject: Re: Few Questions
Posted by Vangie on March 02, 2000 at 18:29:45 from

In Reply to: Few Questions posted by Suz on March 02, 2000 at 14:19:22:

: :#1 Been reading alot of stuff recently on Gliders and nervous chewing, does anyone know what may cause this? While rehabbing I have had several infant squirrels that sucked on their genitals, this was because they were not properly weaned as they were orphaned by tree cutting or cars hitting their mothers. An adult??? I have no ideas as to what may cause this self mutilation. Any clues out there?
: #2 Do our glider's need at least an hour of sunlight with a balanced diet includiong live insects and leadbetter's (w/ aves vitamins and repcal added) as well as fresh fruit, veggies, and fresh hibiscis blooms every other day??? Wouldn't they resent being out in the sun? Dunder does not like sunlight.:I have heard alot about sun light on this message board because I asked the same question. I have been told that it is very bad for there eyes and in some cases can cause blindness. Rep-cal seems to be a popular supplement for D-3 and calcium (both of these are well rounded vitumin supplement)I use reptivite.
: #3 Are azaleas poisonous??? I think they are so I haven't offered them yet, but I can't find any information.

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