Subject: Thanks, and more?
Posted by Tana on March 11, 2000 at 11:44:04 from
I just wanted to say that all of you who have responded to me, and to everyone else for that matter, have been very helpful and encouraging. I think, though, I may have had poor timing in introducing myself to the board. I know that advice and concern given, when you can't hear a person's tone of voice or see their facial expressions, can often be taken out of context. I do have two more questions concerning my earlier mentioned situation. I would like to know how old a baby female gets before she stops bonding to new gliders. Also, I would like to know if anyone has had several gliders for enough years to be able to answer this: If two sets of adult male gliders live "next door" (in separate cages several inches apart) to each other for long enough, will they eventually accept eachother and be able to be introduced physically? And when I say long enough, I mean possibly years. Thanks again, Megan. P.S. and as for mating, I think I may wait awhile, and only give Gizmo, my neutered lonely male, a mate.
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