
Subject: Re: Have some questions:
Posted by Virginia on March 13, 2000 at 15:33:24 from

In Reply to: Have some questions: posted by Bobbi on March 13, 2000 at 13:23:24:

: 1. Why is feeding iceberg lettuce a bad thing? And if I have feed it as a part of their diet, should I be looking for problems?

there is no nutritional value in iceburg lettuce...It is mainly water. So it fills them up but they aren't getting the nutrition they need from it. If you want to continue to make lettuce part of their diet I would suggest a darker leaf lettuce such as romaine.

: 2. Can a female sugar glider be too young to have joeys? Maddie is around 7 months and pregnant.

some younger females have a tendency to reject their joeys. I do not really know why. I'm not implying this will happen to yours....sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt...Most people suggest to wait until the glider is one year old before allowing her to breed...I wish you the best of luck.

: 3. Suggestions for protein for mom sugar glider. Was using Mazuri Omnivore, unrestricted. Okay?

what else are you giving her for protein? while she is pregnant or nursing the joeys you should increase her protein intake to around 50% of her diet. Good sources of protein are crickets (gut loaded), mealworms, tofu, boiled chicken, meat baby foods, and eggs (hard boiled or scrambled).

: 4. Do I have to worry about the male hurting the babies?

NO,not ususally. the male actually plays a very important role in fathering the babies. He does most of the child rearing. I suggest you read up some more on ther following websites on this:

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