Subject: Re: Litter Posted by Ben on March 13, 2000 at 23:15:04 from In Reply to: Re: Litter posted by Nikki on March 13, 2000 at 20:12:52: Replies are without hashmarks: Thanks for the quick response. I posted this same message last month on Bourbon's site >I now use this all natural stuff called care fresh pet litter. Do you know what, if any chain stores carry these products? Or know of an online source? >I used to own ten gliders, and believe me they get stinkey, cant clean their cages enough. I have only one, but want to get her a (female) playmate so that she won't get lonely during the night. >I lost one about three weeks ago. VERY hard thing for me to get through. I know how much Flower means to me, so I have an idea of what it was for you to lose one. >These spoiled guys have their own room to stink up. Theyre just too cute not to love!! Mine has a room to herself also. It's the room that the wife puts her plants in during > I love talking glider talk! Me too! Ben > Tessa,Carlin,Gizmo,Sly,Baxter,Cosmo,Kila,Baisley and Bonzo. (my babies) That's a lot of possums! I bet it's a lot of fun around your house.
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