
Subject: Re: Dehydratred Fruits
Posted by Virginia on March 15, 2000 at 12:36:22 from

In Reply to: Dehydratred Fruits posted by Missy on March 15, 2000 at 08:29:12:

: Does anyone know if Dehydrated fruits are O.K. for gliders to eat? Kiara Loves dehydrated apples. Im going to try her on dehydrated Apricots tonight.

: Im sorry, but Gliders are illegal here in GA and I have no one else to ask. (Shhhh don't tell anyone I have her)

Another option if you don't want to hassle with a dehydrator is buying this product called "just veggies" and "just fruits"...most natural food stores carry them. they do not contain the preservatives that most store sold dehydrated fruits and veggies do... :)

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