
Subject: My questions..
Posted by Kim on March 16, 2000 at 23:28:46 from

In Reply to: A few questions about my glider posted by Jack on March 16, 2000 at 23:08:27:

First of all- I despise people who sell joeys not even weaned yet! Why did you get her so young? She isnt even weaned yet! If I was you I would be seriously worrying about diet! I was forced to wean one of my joeys and it almost cost him his life. They need their mothers to wean them. Gliders at the weaning stage taken from mother can have serious eating probs later on in life(finicky, since mother wasnt able to teach what and what not to eat. I have living proof of it too.). As long as she's eating voluntarily thats good. From there on diet only gets more confusing, but leadbeaters is easy to lick so maybe put her on that? As for the nibbling, she's not weaned, she's learning to taste. Dont keep letting her do it tho, she will learn this is ok and when she's an adult it will hurt then. Distract her attention to something else when she does it.

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