
Subject: A few questions for you =)
Posted by Jen L on March 30, 2000 at 11:04:22 from

In Reply to: If my parents don't know this for sure then I don't get a new sugar glider... posted by Michelle on March 29, 2000 at 20:35:57:

*smile* It is nice to see that your parents are having you check a few things out before purchasing one of these lil guys.. Have you checked into how much it takes to take care of them? How long they live for and what the ramifications are once they are bonded to you and if you have to let them go for any reason? Unfortunetly for these lil guys, they socially and emotionally bond to people, and if removed from that person - they have a terrible time bonding to anyone else. They need time and space to play. Can you dedicate a room for them to play in? (Keep in mind that they deficate wherever they feel the need to) Can you afford vet bills, food requirements, measuring/calculating diet requirements? Are you going to College? Planning on traveling a lot? Do you have a very busy social life (cheerleading, sports, school clubs, friends, etc)?
There is a page you might want to read BEFORE purchasing one of these lil guys. I put it in below. If after all this you think that you will make a wonderful mommy and have a vet already picked out ready to take care of them if sick, then I congratulate you on picking a wonderful animal!
I just know that the abondonment of Gliders is on the rise and unfortunetly it is due to people not having enough time or monies to keep up with them.
I wish you the best of luck and happiness!



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