
Subject: Re: Looking for Suger glider
Posted by Carol on April 02, 2000 at 10:51:57 from

In Reply to: Re: Looking for Suger glider posted by Virginia on March 31, 2000 at 14:59:35:

: : Hi I can't convince my mom that a sugar glider would be a good pet!! Can someone help me and I need to know, can a glider travel?? I travel ALOT and need to if gliders can travel. If they can please email me with some tips. I had one person do so and they said put on two shirts (tucked in) and stick the glider in between for on the airplane. I think the glider would bark and complain, then I would probably get in trouble! Then they said for hotels bring a fold up cage with you and let the glider stay in that but the maid would see it if she came in an then I would be kicked out. Or someone in the room next door would hear it bark during the night. I also wanted to know if any of you know any breeders in or near Morris county? Do any of you live near or in morris county?

: : ~Carol~

: Carol,
: generally mothers know best...For now what I could encourage you to do is research as much as possible. There is alot of info out there on gliders. Also if you go to the url listed below start playing the "game of what if's". this is designed to help you go through the motions of having a glider before actually getting one. If you get bored with the game then a glider is probably not for you.
: As for traveling, some airlines will allow gliders for a additional fee. It will depend on the airline. It's generallly not a good idea to sneak them though because if caught there is a hefty fine and the glider may be taken from you. As for will depend on the hotel.

Thanx ALOT, I will try the game!


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