
Subject: Re: Glider that needs Company - Tips anyone?
Posted by Bourbon on August 03, 1998 at 03:29:47:

In Reply to: Glider that needs Company - Tips anyone? posted by Jessica on August 02, 1998 at 12:11:01:


This is exactly what I was trying to get across to the teenagers that are wanting gliders. (Not that you haven't been a great parent because I am sure you have) but teens as the get older have a lot of things going on and sometimes, they are not in the position to decide when they could take their gliders with them, as your mother and father has done by telling you there are places that Roo can't with you to.(like mom with vacation and dad with school) Also you have found that you are spending less time with her these days. After school starts there will even be less time you will have. You have already established a "SERIOUS BOND" with Roo. Since getting another glider is not an option with your folks, the only option you have, is to do the reponsible thing, you have to MAKE the time, to spend with her each day after school, so she doesn't feel neglected. You will have things you may WANT to do, but you assumed the responsibility of this little girl, you have loved her and taught her to trust and love you. As with a child, you have to make sacrifices for her for the next 8-15 years. You said you don't have the time to spend with her now as you did before. If I haven't stressed it enough, let me stress it again. They have the attention NEEDS of an infant child. You have had her get accustomed to your time schedule and the attention you have given her to this point. How would she feel if you don't find the time to spend with her..Please you are in a position to help other teens who think they are ready for the responsibility of a glider. Let them know how things really are from a teens point of view. Let them know how it is easy to get wrapped up in what you want, only later to find out that other things will happen in their lives that sometimes gets in the way of the time that is needed to spend with your glider. All the research in the world doesn't help when it comes to growing up. You should take the time a be a teen, but you must also MAKE the time and still be a good parent to YOUR glider. As far as them dying, yes some do when they don't get the attention they become accustomed to(Depression). And some, more times than not, get mean (Rebellion). You CHOSE this responsibilty, now you must make the time to hold up to your end of the bargain. You have counted on Roo, now Roo needs to count on you..I feel in my heart you will do what is right..I honestly don't think that taking her to school is a good option, even with a leash she still would be confined in a pouch of some sort, and if she HAD to come out for something (like going to the bathroom) then that would only cause more problems, A sealed pouch also would not be in her best interest due to the fact she still couldn't come out if need be. I am sure you school is like most and in between classes there is a lot of traffic and different sounds. She could get bumped or seriously injured, by someones books or someone inadvertly, she could get traumatized by the whole ordeal, and she may NEVER want to go into a pouch again. The best thing to do is to keep her at home during the day and spend time with her when you get home and before you go to bed. The main thing, is you have to be consistant. You can change her schedule, but you still must MAKE the time for her each day.

: Hello....I have a female glider that is about 10 months out of pouch, her name is have all probably heard of her. Well, i usually have plenty of time for her, but lately I have not had time. We are currently on vacation on a friend's computer and she is at home with my dad, he has no time for her, but he does feed her and take her out for a few minutes each night, sometimes. I cant bring her on vacation cause my mom wont let me. When school starts I would like to bring her sometimes so I can spend some more time bonding (eventhough she is already deeply bonded to me), I want to spend time with her, but I just cant find the time. Some people say she will die if left alone for more than a few days. But I have left her alone when we are on vacation and my dad or brother feeds her and she is fine, and ready to play all the same. So, I would buy another glider for a friend for her, but I am not allowed. Is there any tips that anyone has about bringing her everywhere I go? Including school? Any products I should buy? In conclusion (sorry if this doesnt make much sense)!, but will she die if I cant spend some time with her everyday? Sorry if this is confusing, I tried to make it sound okay, but I am worried, and, oh nevermind, please try and make the most of this post! Thanx!

: -A Worried Glider Owner-

: Jess & Roo my baby glider girl

: P.S.

: She is getting a new huge cage soon, and I want to make it interesting and captivating for her, any tips?

: P.P.S

: Please check out her homepage below!

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