
Subject: Milk Replacers / KIM
Posted by Pockets on April 10, 2000 at 01:10:51 from

I agree with you! Milk Replacers are referred to by all my Australian - Caring For Wildlife Books & I have several.
"Wombaroo" - makes 14 different milk replacer formulas!
"Wombaroo Possum Milk Replacer" <8,>8 -is made especially for possums & gliders.
<8 for joeys with less than 80% of pouch life complete.
>8 for joeys with more than 80% of pouch life complete.

"Biolac Milk for Marsupials"
M 100-G for furless joeys.
M 100 for furred joeys.
"Di-Vetelact Low Lactose Animal Formula"

One Book also states that:
Orphaned young have to adjust to drier pouches & drier heat, so it is essential to regularly lubricate the skin of the furless joeys with a moisturising lotion.
They recommend "Sorbolene cream"
Stating it is light & absorbent, fragrance free & completely safe to use on tiny joeys.
Pure Sorbolene cream (without glycerine or vitamin E)

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