
Subject: Re: 2 Cute
Posted by Keri on April 13, 2000 at 13:05:23 from

In Reply to: 2 Cute posted by Keri on April 09, 2000 at 00:00:49:

: Hi Fellow Glider Lovers! I'm new to this scene & just wanted some feedback. I traded in a male today, because he wasn't bonding after a 2 month period. I felt bad, but what could I do? I got a 4 wk oops male & female- they are precious. The male is way friendlier than the female so far. Was I wrong to get a male & female? I REALLY want these two to be tame. Any words of wisdom will be greatly appreciated! I named them... Gabby & Gizmo :-)

Hey Guys... I'm new at this whole thing, so give me a break! I just typed 2 paragraphs to explain my situation & now it's lost in cyberspace- 1 more try! To Tana, Jacque, a few others- thanks! I appreciated the advice instead of the bashing. My parents gave me Gizmo for my 30th b-day... I was going to get a pair over the summer( when I wasn't in school- UTA- Social Work) I wanted to study up on them.... I thought I was doing the best thing. The breeder assured me that he would give him a good home in his breeding program. I endured the flesh being torn off my hands for over 2 months- guess I wimped out. I'm in this for the long hall with Gizmo & Gabby, my 5 wk old babies- yes they are still alive( good help from internet sources)I guess there might be other boards around that will help me & not penalize me for my past mistakes. I have learned my lesson - even though this whole situation was put on me prematurely. I love animals & hope to give my new little ones a good home/life.

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