
Subject: This is what I was told.
Posted by Mary on May 04, 2000 at 22:56:45 from

In Reply to: I now how the place to buy it.. But why this type of wire? Thx! n/m posted by Jen L on May 04, 2000 at 12:11:11:

Ok I ordered mine from Klubertanz. 1-800-237-3899.

I was told that this is considered the best for several reasons. The most importiant reason has to do with self mutilation. It is coated, and you cant cut yourself on it at all. When people were looking at causes for self mutilation they took everything in to account. Including the tupe of cage material. There were no cases of self mutilation when using this cage(unless it was caused by infection or injury, thats different). It has been thought that other types of cage possibly scrape the glider when climbing into the cage, which causes an iritation spot. There is no proof of this that I know of, but most people believe in being safe rather than sorry, so thats one reason to use this wire.

2. Because sugar gliders go to the bathroom all over the cage. So its importiant to use a matreial that absrobs the odor well. Unlike wood and other wire, this tupe of cage wire doesnt smell at all. People who have had bad odor problems switched to this material and have no problems now. As far as I know, no one with this material has an odor problem now.

3. Easy to clean. The material is sort of rubbery and you can easily wash it. Using a wash cloth over it removes most anything. With other wires things stick and are harder to remove, but with this material it washes right off.

4. It comes in half inch squares by half inch. This really has nothing to do with the material, except that its nearly imposible to find a cage with squares this size. Its the easiest way for a glider to climb in a cage, and babies can not escape from half inch by half inch. Babies can escape from anything bigger than that. Gliders have died and gotten stuck in bars that are inch by half inch.

So anyways when I was reaserching those were the answers I was given. I was always told to order half inch by half inch pvc coated galvanized wire mesh.

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