
Subject: need help
Posted by wiebelhusky on May 10, 2000 at 21:07:50 from

We have a breeding pair of Sugar Gliders and have a problem with the female eating her babies once they are out of the pouch for about a week. We thought it was the male, he may have before so we took him out this time before the baby came out of the pouch and then she skinned it and left it. We have no idea if we are doing something wrong we keep them in our bedroom where they get privacy. We've been feeding them fresh/frozen veggies (corn, peas, corn) and we feed them baby food (strawberry, apricot, sweet potatoe, carrot) we also feed them meal worms, crickets, and in the past had given them a few pinkie mice. We bought a ferret sleeping sack for them to sleep in, it's fleece lined and they seem to enjoy it. The cage is 3ft x 2ft x 4ft high. Any sound advice is helpful. HELP!

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