
Subject: Re: RE:CITES + revision to my last statement as sugarmaniac
Posted by Thomas on August 06, 1998 at 20:25:49:

In Reply to: RE:CITES + revision to my last statement as sugarmaniac posted by Caitlin (sugar maniac) on August 05, 1998 at 17:12:15:

to cut to the core here right away... sugar gliders are not being used as food for reptiles the common feeders are mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and fowl, chicken and quale in moments of despair we use hamsters and gerbils as well. the thought of using a 300$ annimal for food is ludicrous to say the least. it does not make sence to feed a $75 boa a 300$ prey which you would need 2 of for a normal size meal for a grown boa. so instead of spending 600$ every 10 -14 days i think its safe to assume any breeder with a sense of economics (which most of us has) would use a small rabbit (about 6 bucks), which would serve the same purpose. as for the remark i made about confused kids it was meant for the "herper" stating he was breeding them for reptile food.

Thank you for answering my question though, if they are illegal to transport from one country to another means they are listen in CITES Index I


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