
Subject: Re: Blender?
Posted by Jessica on May 15, 2000 at 22:08:17 from

In Reply to: Blender? posted by Mary on May 15, 2000 at 15:49:50:

: Have you tried blending them? Try blending up half fruit and half veggies, then give them that. It may be easier for them to eat that way. Which leadbeaters do you use? I have heard that a lot fo gliders like Bourbons version better. If they wont eat it try adding a little applescause at first. What was the breeder feeding? You need to gradualy change diets. Also how logn hav you had them? It will take the gldiers a few days to get used to home. Until they are settled int ehy may not eat very much.

I use Bourbon's Ledbeaters. I'll try to blend them also, maybe that will help. I have only had them for a few days, so that could be it too. I guess I'm just a little parinoid, I just keep reading these horrible stories about people's Gliders dieing from not eating right. I bought them through a breeder online, and they won't return my phone calls or my E-mails. I wrote and called and left messages that my little boy was injured because of their neglagence, and I haven't heard from them. They also told me that they take them to the vet to get a health certifacate the day before the ship them, and I never got that eather. (I'm very angry at them) I have this funny feeling that they didn't care for them as they should have, and maybe even pulled them from their mothers. They don't seem to have some of the skills everyone talks about that baby Gliders should have when they're ready to go to new homes. They act as though they've never been in a high place before. They don't seem to understand their cage "at all." They fall alot, and they don't seem to know how to use the water bottle eather. If we hold it and put it right in their faces, and drip some of it they'll drink a little, but not on their own. I tried to give them a little bowl of water too, but they don't even go near that. We're teaching them, and I think they'll get the hang of it, but I'm always worried that they're gonna get dehidrated. Oh! I forgot to say I did get them to eat a little veggies today after I posted. I soaked them in the fruit juices like I said, and they did eat a little bit of greenbeans. So, that was very promising. I'm not happy with these people at all, but it makes me some what happy to know that they're in a good home now.

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