
Subject: Re: rejected babies
Posted by Shirley Pilkington on August 09, 1998 at 01:47:04:

In Reply to: Re: rejected babies posted by Avery on August 07, 1998 at 18:59:34:

I would like to thank all of the people who were nice enough to try to help me with my glider problem. To the one BITCH (excuse my french) who seem to feel that I am ony raising them to get babies, my response is that must be your own reason for having gliders or you would have never thought that. I happen to love my gliders. The male has not been neutered because we live in a small town, and I can not find a vet that knows how to neuter him. I have not separated them because they are a PAIR!!!. Would you prefer they die of loneliness?? My husband works 4 nights a week and I work full time. We spend as much time as we can with them, but I think it would be cruel to separate them after they have been together for so long. I wrote that message to try to get some help, that is all. I don't want to sell the babies. I could care less if they never have babies. Thanks for your help. Any new info would be appreciated. : (: Ummm, question.

: : Why the heck haven't you seperated earlier? Look at all the babies that have died because of your ignorance. My vet said that gliders are usually good parents, and if something bad happens once or twice, it means they'll NEVER be good parents. I had this happen to me once, and as much as I wanted babies, I neutered the mall. Its called responsibility. Lots of people are so caught up with the idea of having babies, they don't put their gliders first. Its a very selfish act.)

: I don't think we should give her such a hard time. If she is asking us what to do she is obviously trying to help. She might not have known what to do. I agree that she should seperate them but you don't have to give her such a hard time.

: -Avery

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