
Subject: Re: A third bad ear case
Posted by Paul on June 06, 2000 at 00:32:44 from

In Reply to: Re: A third bad ear case posted by Jessica_and_Toby on June 06, 2000 at 00:07:00:

: Thank you for caring so much. Toby is doing a lot better. I tried to pull up the page you had listed, but I can't get on there. Is there another way to gt to it?

I don't know, I tried it again and it works for me. Try just going to the "Location" section in your browser showing this message's address and just change the number at the end from 284xx or whatever it is to 4489.

If that doesn't work, try this:
1. Click on "Browse archives"
2. Click on "199807-199809.asp"
3. Search for two threads about "Brizzo's ears"
4. To read a message, click on the link, but then delete the word "archives/" from the location and you should get to it.

If you still can't get there, let me know and I'll copy them and send them to you or post them here.

Someone named Maria in a follow-up thread actually suggested the possibility of mites, but no one paid any attention. Must have seemed to far-out at the time.

-- pwf

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