
Subject: I dont care who you are, and Im sure you dont care who I am
Posted by Kim on June 06, 2000 at 23:43:59 from

In Reply to: Re: Think about what's best for SG's posted by Katie on June 06, 2000 at 21:06:56:

1) I am not suggesting that everyone let their captive-bred sugar gliders go. I am saying that it
would be in the best interests of the sugar gliders if we were to stop breeding them since they
can't live their lives anywhere near their potential. Gliders do not want us; they want their own
kind and wide open spaces. They're nice to people who tear them from their parents at a tender
age, make orphans of them, and force them to be dependent.

I agree with the first part, but the second part where you say gliders dont want us- that is such bulls***! My Cher has chosen me over her own kind many many times. She loves those of her own kind but I alone am her first choice! She was taken out of her glider family at the age of 8 weeks, this is not making them orphan, what it is, is removing a glider that will go off and make a new family. Dont even tell me that never happens either because if not, in the wild, you'd have gliders that did not kill each other over space. Excuse me but my gliders dont fight over space here, in the wild you'd have little colonies killing each other. I dont think my gliders would prefer that "happy" life! So, enough on this issue- I and others know the truth, I know my gliders were not taken away so young as to make them orphans. Dont tell me you never grew up and left home- if you did I'd believe it tho.

2) Just because some people aren't allowed to have a dog or cat doesn't make it alright to
deprive an undomesticated animal of its home.

Yeah sure lady, whatever! CB gliders are obviously raised in captivity to be sold so they never step claw into the wild.

3) Dogs, cats, rabbits, and ferrets have all been domesticated for hundreds and hundreds of
years. Plus they never had wings or gliding membranes to begin with, which is something that of
course cannot be utilized in a house.
Domesticated animals have much smaller home ranges; ranges that are compatible with houses
and apartments. Feral cats and dogs have been altered so much by breeding practices over
the milleniums that they are destructive to the environment; these are truly domesticated

GGotta start somewhere, dont ya? Those other animals did too- it just happened to be a longer time ago.

4) The habitat destruction needs to stop of course, but taking the wildlife and sticking them in
our little houses is not going to solve anything, particularly since the sugar glider is NOT

I dont even want to discuss how stupid this is with you.

I am a pre-vet student, a vet tech, a wildlife rehabilitator-in-training, and I always try to think
about how I would feel in an animal's place. I don't have to think twice to know that I would
choose to live 7 glorious years in natural habitat instead of 12 cooped up in a little cage most of
the time, unable to glide, unable to forage for my own food, unable to see new things that I
wanted to, unable to find new mates, unable to live a free life...

Love your pets as always, but I strongly urge people to stop supporting the use of these animals
for the pet trade.

This is you and your opinions again huh? Yes! This is only what you alone think a glider would think about wild vs captive. I hate to see some idiot people make obvious mistakes with gliders, or any animal, but what you're saying about gliders in the wild is well..out there. You're making a blanket statement here in a way, you're insinuating all gliders spend their captive life cooped up in cages, unable to see new things..blah blah blah, gliders have been to Disney amongst many other places, they've seen a LOT of things and spent a lot of time out of their cages.

This is my sweet girl who loves me more than any other lgider- ever!

This is me and one of each of my sweet babies. One of my joeys who was so rudely ripped from her family(not even left home yet and just about 8 weeks oop) and my Kiz who was also so rudely ripped from her home!
While we're at it- what do you think about Prairie Dogs being wild caught? Care to blast me for keeping them too?

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