
Subject: Re: I'm starting to dread picking her up
Posted by Jane on June 20, 2000 at 09:19:20 from

In Reply to: I'm starting to dread picking her up posted by Simon on June 20, 2000 at 04:15:25:

Sorry but she is going to pee on you every time she wants to. That is what gliders do. If you can not accept this you may not be a glider person. Why did you get a glider if thsi upsets you so. The perosn selling you teh glider should have clearly emphasized that this is part and parcel of being a glider owner.
: The wet Q-tip thing is NOT working.
: How do I keep my glider from going to the bathroom on me?
: "It's a sign of affection" I'm told
: "It means they're comfortable with you" I'm told.
: Um, no. She's not going to go on me every time I take her
: out of her cage.

: Please give me some ideas.

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