
Subject: Re: I'm starting to dread picking her up
Posted by Mary on June 20, 2000 at 12:45:48 from

In Reply to: I'm starting to dread picking her up posted by Simon on June 20, 2000 at 04:15:25:

The q-tip only works if it does from f\very early when they first started being weaned. Unless you breed this glider I doubt you have done this since 6 weeks old. So tis not going to work now.

Everytime you take her out sit ehr on a gliders always go before I let them out..I hold a paper towel in the cage..they sit in my hand until they are done. However they still go about once an hr durring playtime.and its almost always on me or boyfriend. So yes get used to it...they never stop this.

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