
Subject: Re: I want a sugar glider
Posted by LINDA on August 11, 1998 at 15:19:12:

In Reply to: Re: I want a sugar glider posted by chandal on June 11, 1998 at 00:54:33:

: : : : : :

: : : : : : : Ever since I saw that people were keeping sugar gliders as

: : : : : : : pets, I wanted one. I knew that it would not take much to

: : : : : : : look after one and they don't take up much space.

: : : : : : : A tame sugar glider I think would be the ideal pet, small

: : : : : : : and intelligent and bonded to you only.

: : : : : : : Want I want to know is, what are they like as pets, what do

: : : : : : : they do, how do they behave, and will they disappear in a

: : : : : : : messy bedroom.

: : : : :

: : : Brandon,

: : : I don't think that anyone was giving him a hard time over getting a glider but they all were together in saying that he should know everything he can about gliders before purchasing one. Which I believe you also stated in your response. It was just advice and opinions which is what this 'glider gossip' is about.

: : : It was just advice and voiced concerns but none of the advice was given in a malicious fashion.

: : : I am glad that you have no problems with your gliders and a messy room doesn't matter (mine is) :) but you do have to be careful about certian things in that messy room. And more then just the heater.

: : : All the best of luck to you, but did you know all the information before you purchased one? did you look up its nutrition needs, behaviour, breeding? etc.

: : : Also getting a glider from the pet store is not always the best route. You don't really know the age or anything about the glider, plus they usually charge alot. Gliders usually cost between $150-400 depending on what sex and where you get one from. Aslo most pet stores don't know a whole heck of alot about the little creatures. The best place is to goto a reputable breeder, they can answer any and all questions you might have. Then you don't run into the problem of inbreeding adn paying to much etc. And incase this is taken in the wrong context aswell, it wasn't meant to be. People just gave advice and they are right. Keep in mind that you gave the same advice.

: : : Happy Glidering.

: : : : Well first off I'd like to commet all them bums discouraging you to get one. Don't listen to them. If you want a sugar glider. You should get all the info. on them you possibly can. Get a escape proof cage. Your messy room situation with room is alright just make sure they can't acess to the heat register if they were to escape. My room is not the cleanest either but I manage to keep and breed my gliders without a problem. You can get a glider from a local pet shop or they are almost always found at reptile shows for a cheap price. But, be careful and pick a glider wisely. You should not pay more then 250 for it. Back to all them fags talking shit . I'm so disapppointe with them . They would come on a web site and tell people wanting a glider is not a good enough reason to own one. What the heck?!!

: : : : : : : If you have a sugar glider/s please email me with what

: : : : : : : they're like, what they do and how they are better than

: : : : : : : a cat or a dog.

: : : : : : : Email me at

: : : : : : They are not easy to take care of!!!

: : : : : : They poop on you.

: : : : : : They Pee on you.

: : : : : : They have an odor.

: : : : : : They cannot be left alone in any room, and the room must be Glider proofed.

: : : : : : Check out my page at for mor einfo on what to expect.

: : hi my name is chandal, i saw all of your letters and thought that you arent helping much you are just complaining about the sugar gliders it sounds like you shouldnt have them your selves. sugar gliders do take alot of work you have to be willing to put some time and effort into having them cause they do live up to 14 years. they eat all sorts of fruits and vegetables and they also eat meats. the female when pregnant has to eat more meats and protien. they are really fun animals to have if you have the time for them. i recomend that you read up on them and than if you still want one go out and get one, BUT in some states they are illegal cause they tend to get away and like in florida and california they will eat the fruits that they manufacture. so check and see if they are aloud in your state and if they are and you are really interested go ahead and buy one. if you think that you arent really interested dont get one, some pets shops will let you play with it and see if this is the right animal for you. if you have any questions go ahead and email me, i know alot about them ive had 2 for about 2 years,it takes experience to know about them. email me at

: hi this is chandal i thought id write again cause i found a place that will halp you wiht all the information you need to know about sugar gliders. the address is it will help you out alot

Hi! I'm new at the computer so bare with me. I have had Sugar Gliders for 6 years and there isn"t much that I don"t know about them. Of course as soon as I say that something new and unknown will come up. I have my original Sugar gliders grandson now . I would be glad to help with information or finding the right glider for you. I am in IN. There is no need for an exotic pet license in my state or city but some cities and states require them so buying from a "licensed breeder" is not always possible. You can E mail me at

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