
Subject: Re: please help
Posted by Jessica Toby Sarah on July 01, 2000 at 23:04:28 from

In Reply to: please help posted by ashley on June 30, 2000 at 21:52:12:

This should probably be answered by someone els, but I'll throw my two cents in anyway. My Gliders get very soft bowls when I try them on any other diet than Leadbeaters. They also wouldn't eat the Leadbeater's at first. Would not go neer it. I finally excluded thier options for a night, and now they will eat the Leadbeater's before they will touch anything els. So, don't give up on the Leadbeater's. If you can get them on it, I think it's the best diet for them. And I have to say that it's the easiest, and cheapest to feed. I'm not a fan of Brisky's really, so I have a huge bag going to waste in their cabinet. That's right cabinet. LOL They have thier own desk, drawers, cabinets, and personal toy bins. LOL (rottin) I would keep a very close eye on Rocky's bowls though. If they are soft, but formed my vet told me this was ok. If they get runny or watery "at all" take him to the vet asap. I didn't realise that runny bowls was a bad sign of sickness, and I lost our first little girl because of it. I hope this helps a little.

Jessica Toby and Sarah

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