
Subject: Re: seizures???
Posted by Mary on July 04, 2000 at 21:16:04 from

In Reply to: seizures??? posted by Brandon on July 04, 2000 at 19:56:06: female just died while having a seizure about 2 weeks ago...she only had one though that was the one time it happened and she died while having them. I discovered that one reason could be lack of sugaer...however that is just one reason and that is not why mine had hers. Take your glider to the vet for an overall checkup. I was told that putting something sweet on their gums will help durring a diabetic seizure. If she has them on a regular basis then try to give her soem fruit as soon as she wakes up everynight. Don't let her out to play until you know she has gotten some into her system.

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