
Subject: Re: Research question, literally...
Posted by W on July 10, 2000 at 10:20:32 from

In Reply to: Research question, literally... posted by Ms. Shell on July 08, 2000 at 02:47:06:

I got my first glider about 5 years ago and there wasn't
a lot of info out there-just a few web pages and a few things
I dug up in a bookstore. I researched for about a 2 months and then
got my little one from a bredder who supplied me a little more info.

I have to admit-I saw sugar gliders on TV and went out and bought one.
Impulse buying is bad, but not all bad (: I love animals and could never neglect
anything and I didn't even consider it a possiblity that I wouldn't like Moe or that
she wouldn't bond to me.

Anyway, five years later and a lot of changes in my life (moving several times, marriage, new jobs)
we are still best buddies and I still spend a lot of time with her and
Astro, another female I later bought, and still reseach and experiment with diet, toys, etc. regularly.

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