
Subject: Re: Crying Glider...
Posted by Cindy on July 12, 2000 at 14:22:17 from

In Reply to: Crying Glider... posted by JoyLee on July 12, 2000 at 13:38:39:

Mine has done that too. On occasion what will happen is mine will crawl in someones shirt, then if you touch her she crabs. Im guessing she does this bwcause she doesnt want to be bothered. She is comfy and/or trying to sleep there. I know this because thers a box that mine likes to crawl in and go to sleep and if i pick up the box or move it in any way whie she is sleeping she crabs.
Maybe thats what shes doing??
Mine only cries if she is having a bad dream. I noticed her doing it a few times and I tried to see if she was ok and her eyes were still closed and she was sleeping.

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