
Subject: Re: Questions, Questions!!
Posted by Cindy on July 17, 2000 at 20:06:11 from

In Reply to: Questions, Questions!! posted by AngieM on July 17, 2000 at 16:06:13:

: I'm interested in getting a glider. How strong of an odor do they put off? Do the females have an odor as well? what do their feces look like? Is it similiar to mouse droppings? Bigger, smaller? Does their feces have a strong smell as well? Can the cage be cleaned every day or once a week? Hopefully the answers to these questions will help with the deciding factory on whether or not to get a glider.

Males spray, females dont. They have a very slight scent but I dont mind it at all. its much less stinkier than a hamsmter or gerbil, in my opinion. Also you could clean the cage once week if your cage is big and you only have one glider, most people clean theirs once a week or every few days depending on how many gliders and size of cage. Hope this helps some !
Go to and links, theres tons of great websites to look up. I cant think of any off hand web addresses. but theers alot of good pages to look at. Just remember read as MUCH as you can!! and also remember to use your good judgement some pages contradict each other on some certain issues.

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