
Subject: babies!! AAAAHHHH!
Posted by ash18ley on July 18, 2000 at 16:10:49 from

okay i got one glider on easter then 5 days later i got
another they hate each other! well one day i put them in
the same room together you know neutral space... well they
fought and so i took them apart and they haven't been back
together.. i thought i had two girls neither have a bald
spot anywhere.. and i oculd have sworn i saw a pouch..
well here it is tuesday and i have now 4 gliders 2 babies
and 2 older ones who still hate each other.. how do i get
them to cool it and act as a family? and is there anything
special i do witht the babies and how long are
they blind after they get out of the pouch.. help- ashley

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