
Subject: Re: Bathes
Posted by H.M. on July 18, 2000 at 22:10:09 from

In Reply to: Re: Bathes posted by Jessica Toby Sarah on July 17, 2000 at 11:24:38:

: : Do gliders ever take bathes ? Do they like to play in water ?

: Gliders do groom themselves. I know of a few Glider owners that give them baths every here and again, but it is not nessisary. I don't bathe my Gliders, but they do like to play in the water sometimes. I will sometimes let fill the bathtub maybe a couple of cm's and let them splash around for a little while. I'm always right there with them though. I don't know if most Gliders like the water, but mine seem to love it. When I first got my Toby I think he may have been a little too young to be in a new home, and he didn't have very good grooming habits "AT ALL" Every now and again, I would have to hold him and rinse water over him, because he would get poopy on himself, and not clean it off. He seemed to really enjoy it, so I started letting them have playtime in the tub every now and again. If you do try this though, you have to be very careful. Never fill the water up in front of them, the noise scares them, and stresses them out. And always make sure you dry them off "really" well. They can catch a chill very easy. Also, they are not swimmers. Don't fill the water any more than what they can stand in. Now that they are a few months old, their grooming habits are great. You also have to remember that my Gliders really trust me, so this may be why he felt so comfertable.
Thanks for your response, what you said makes a lot of sense. I'll give it a try this weekend, thanks!

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