
Subject: Re: sugar gliders and other pets
Posted by Ms. Shell on July 21, 2000 at 20:17:24 from

In Reply to: sugar gliders and other pets posted by Heather on July 21, 2000 at 18:15:16:

: I have a few cats and I would like to own a sugar glider. will the cats try to hurt or eat the animal?

I have three cats and I have had a few close calls. It is something I deal with on a daily basis. I do "room sweeps" before I get my gliders out, and I put towels under the door. Still, one moment of carelessness would be long enough for my cats to make a meal out of my babies. I know it is a risk, and if something did happen I would only have myself to blame. You can't very well blame the cat... most are trained to rid your house of those pesky lil varmints! :)
Just use common sense and remember to lock, double lock, and triple lock your cage! If there is a way out... a glider WILL find it!

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