Subject: Introduction/breeding/sexual maturity question
Posted by Cindy and Zia on July 23, 2000 at 20:31:04 from
Okay, once again since my last post got messed up. Here is whats going on. I got this male glider about 4 days ago. hes a year old and his name is Wickett. I already had Zia who i dont know the age. We've had her since december or january and we got her from Petland (ugh. lets say my boyfriend got her from petland lol). So we've had her for what 7 months ? So, I don't know if she is "of age" yet and I dont want him to rape her if she isnt. THeir cages are side by side and they adore each other so I let them be together when i can supervise since Im afraid. For a couple of days they have been playing together and spending time together (grooming cuddling sleeping etc..) But they DONT share a cage Yet!. I was wondering how I should go about this. I mean, when can i know for sure he wont rape her? and do males ALWAYS rape younger ones if theyre together or does it depend on their aggression? He doesnt seem agressive with her. In fact he is very loving with her. I noticed him try to mount her though and she hissed at him (the mad hiss) and he left her alone. Does anyone have any suggestions for my situation ?? any comments would be gladly accepted! Im so afriad to do the wrong thing! Thanks! Cindy, zia and wickett
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