Subject: ahhh! babies update.. and question..
Posted by ashley on July 24, 2000 at 16:03:23 from
okay there's no way i could have gotten her when she was already pregnant .. the breeder i got her from said she was only 2 months obviously she was wrong.!! but i only takes 40 days to gestate and go into the pouch.. so it works out that their big "Fight" wasn't exactly a fight... However i cannot handle them they are still slightly attached to her teets well not really they are still nursing and i think she is trying to ween them.. but they like human children will not obey.. lol! i stroke them now and then.. and surprisingly she allows that.. I try to give her time to be around the so called father but they still fight... so it seems i am scared to let them out together since it may cause damage..but i know the father glider does serve a purpose in the little joey's life and social structure. But i don't exactly know how to adapt them.. when she is out she trys to get real close to him.and i know for sure it is a male now it's obvious to me however there is no baldspot.. once i put him in his ball and i had his box out and she climbed inside and stayed there for about 30 min.. and she also rubs herself on his things.. like her belly area maybe to get the joey's used to his scent? not sure but the joeys are so big she has trouble walking.. they are about 2 inches long not including their tails.. it's awesome to watch them they are out alot more and they come loose from her but they complain and crab at her.. when they do.. it's kind of funny.. Alex who used to be alexis.. is okay he scared me the other night he figured a way out of his cage i had friends out for the weekend for a wedding.. and when i got home that night he was gome i thought perhaps he got into one of their bags... i called them and had them look when they got home and i kept looking finally i found him curled up in a ball in a box.. I was afraid he'd start doing that thing males do when they want to breed and can't you know they chew on their genitalia' i found him folded over himslf one night and he crabbed at me for about 10 min cause i wouldn't go away i check on him constantly to check for any blood or signs he is doing so.. but i think he is gonna be okay no harmful signs as of yet... okay well im gonna go for now let me know what you think.. he does scent alot worse than her though..
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