
Subject: I agree
Posted by CindynZia on July 25, 2000 at 23:48:40 from

In Reply to: Re: Thank you jane posted by Nikki on July 25, 2000 at 14:46:26:

I know what U mean about impulse buying too zia was an impuse buy by my boyfriend and it is really hard adapting.. everyone who sees her like friendsof ours are like "they aer soo cute blahblah but as SOON as I hear that I start in with, You have NO idea how much care goes into these. its like having kids so if u want kids. go right ahead LOL
I also tell him about all the stuff u have to do like watching their diets spending time all that stuff.. and I think by then i have them convinced maybe they should stick with their kitty kat LOL.. no seriously hehe..
most of our friends are just still young like us and dont wanna put that much time into a critter..
(im only 19 afterall))

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