Subject: Re: glider likes being in his cage more than outside
Posted by rod on July 31, 2000 at 21:15:06 from
In Reply to: glider likes being in his cage more than outside posted by sunny on July 21, 2000 at 17:00:05:
: I take rocky out of his cage when i get home from work and he likes to sleep on my shoulder so i let him sleep untill about 9pm- then i try waking him up, well as soon as i take him out to play he stays out for no more than 5 min and he is searching for a way to get back on me, he acts like he's scared to death to be out in the open. Well i continue trying to play with him till around 11 and then i put him back in his cage..well he goes wild and climbs all around,runs all around and acts so happy..he goes to bed at 7 in the morning so i know he shouldn't be tired when i go to wake him up..i know he needs time outside of his cage, but i don't know what to do..his cage is 5'3 and he has all kinds of branches to climb on so he does get his exercise..if anyone has suggestions..please help...Rocky is about 12wks old..and i've had him for about a month. thanks...sunny I've had Sweetpea, born last August, since last Thanksgiving and she still likes her cage a lot, although she also enjoys coming out in the room (my den) at night. Right now, the door is open and she is hanging out in the cage. Try putting her on something a little higher ... like the top of a door and let it scamper and explore a bit. It takes them awhile to work up their courage. Sweetpea likes the bathroom (make sure toilet seat is down) because she likes to hide in the folds of the bath towels. I sometimes leave her cage door open (with the room door closed) at night and see in the morning where she's been from what she has moved around. More often than not, she is back in her pouch in the cage when I come back in early the next morning. Be careful not to do this until your glider is bonded with you and comes to you freely. Mine is used to get a little treat when I come in (usually a raisin) and eagerly waits for it. Rule of thumb is give them plently of time to feel comfortable in what they are doing. Mine also likes to sleep inside a shirt on my shoulder early in the evening. Hope this helps.
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