
Subject: Re: WhAt OthER STuFf CaN I FeeD HIm ????
Posted by Patty on July 31, 2000 at 22:55:26 from

In Reply to: WhAt OthER STuFf CaN I FeeD HIm ???? posted by Bandit's Mom on July 29, 2000 at 19:32:54:

: I am feeding My little boy pinaplles, grapes, honey, apple-sause, gerber turkey sicks, SOFT cat food, (sould I feed him hard ???)& apples... I am getting vitiam sup. soon... Should i feed him any thing diff. ???... or is there ne thing elese I can feed him ???
: Thank u very much,
: Kristy

Hi...the breeder that i bought my glider, Lucy from gave me a regimen to follow and so far it works great and my lucy is very healthy...i always keep the eucalyptus pellets in a dish...and in another dish night 1 i put fresh fruit the winter when i don't have a whole lot of selection sometimes i put some baby food fruit 2..vanilla yogurt and applesauce..maybe some honey squeezed on...day3..mixed 4////protein day...cottage cheese, scrambled egg and or pieces of meat or baby food meat....this way they get the vitamins they need and no back leg paralysis...i also have some glider aid powder and fix some every other night or so...i've also put a dog bone in her cage and little by little she eats it...only because she had taken one of the dog's so i just gave her one to work

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