Subject: Re: errrr??
Posted by Ms. Shell on August 02, 2000 at 09:54:15 from
In Reply to: errrr?? posted by CindynZia on August 02, 2000 at 05:15:39:
Ooops! My bad! :) I should have written some type of summary before I called the deletion fairy. Here it is, not to start anything up, just to make my other post somewhat understandable. Helene made a post saying she was getting her glider (in one day?) and planned on researching for a whole day. I believe it was Virginia who made the post saying she should research for at least 6 months. Helene, (feel like you're at a tennis match yet?) came back with a post asking "What are you crazy/nuts?! Hence... chaos ensued! hehehe As for the getaway... no, no drinking, fun! You would never see Bourbon's hubby without a camera, he lives to catch those horrible shots you would never want floating around in cyber space! I think it might be in TN. next year, but alot can happen in a year so we'll have to wait and see. :) Bottom line?... Fun was had by all!!
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