Subject: Re: Brisky
Posted by Maria on August 03, 2000 at 13:51:47 from
In Reply to: Brisky posted by Kim L on August 03, 2000 at 13:42:45:
What are you currently feeding your gliders? Are you using Briskys already? If not, switching their food at the same time as you are leaving for 6 days will be incredibly stressful. If your roomate is uncertain about preparing food every day, you could always make up the food and freeze it. Then, roomie just has to pull that days worth of food out of the freezer and feed your babies. : Bourbon, and Kim. : I'm going a way for six day. And : I can not take all seven of my glider : with me, So I'm leaving them at home : with my roommate. I want to know : is it all right to feed then Brisky : accu-feed solely as a diet.. : What do you think.
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